0405 271 757 montybadami@gmail.com


Driven by a passion to understand and communicate the importance of human diversity, I have developed a number of innovative methods of translating my professional experience into practical and accessible information that is highly relevant to both the academic and non-academic worlds.

As a public speaker, I inspire people to think deeply, challenging them to explore a range of creative approaches to understand their dynamic and ever-changing environment.

Here’s how one audience member described one of my sessions:

“Mesmerising. He brought together so many concepts and theories together in such a succinct and eloquent manner. He was effervescent, warm, quirky and encouraged and supported us to participate in a really fun and engaging way. It was entertaining, and above all very educational and informative.”

I am currently a core faculty member at The School of Life in Sydney, where I facilitate EQ and life skills programs on culture, love, and understanding the self. I am regularly asked to present for their public events and corporate sessions. I also host a podcast, called The Meaning Of… with my fellow School of Life Faculty member, Dr Tim Dean.

I speak on a range of topics including:

  • Human Evolution and Diversity,
  • Ethnicity, Migration and Globalisation,
  • Medical Anthropology and Public Health,
  • Politics, Power and Inequality,
  • Material Culture, Usage and Design,
  • Improvisation and Cultural Creativity,
  • South Asian History and Culture (India),
  • Indigenous Culture and Identity,
  • Cross-cultural Mental Health,
  • Adolescent Health and Sexuality,
  • Gender Studies,
  • Relationships and Communication,
  • Religion and Ritual,
  • Ethnomusicology,
  • Ethics,
  • Research Methodology,
  • Social Justice.

In addition to this, I love to sing! As a trained musician and a professional jazz singer, I not only do gigs, but I conduct a number of performance based improvisational workshops that get people connecting, creating and moving. I currently run a workshop for people of all ages called Song Playground that involves: Songwriting; Storytelling; Narrative therapy; Music and Movement; Team building; Problem-solving; and Play therapy. We use the program to get top know another, have loads of fun, develop creative confidence through self expression and build our Emotional Intelligence muscles


Dr Sumant (Monty) Badami
Freelance Anthropologist
Mobile: 0405271757
Website:  montybadami.com


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